Saturday, July 20, 2024

Haiku: June 13 - July 20

Random collection of haiku composed this month.

Burble of voices
Water darkens the pool's edge
Announcing summer

Evergreens abound
Dotting the oceans and hills
Statis and motion

My wife eats mamon
She says, "Full of  calories"
She eats anyway

Blessed are the meek
For they inherit the earth
But will they want it?

Shade is more precious
When the sun is scorching hot
Water also helps.

If I do it now
Will you stop pushing so hard
Or you push again?

Leaves on ground crackling
Moisture lacking, air so dry
Running through sprinklers

Baby birds nesting
Fly away but sounds remain
Even a sighting

Sun slips down the sky
In between there is silence
Sun peeks over the edge

Summer days start up.
Possibilities endless.
Night seems short and dim.

I did not grow tired
Nor my mind weary from thought.
Much was left undone.

At the end of day
There was more day to come
We could still rejoice.

Trail skirting the lake
Morning shines on the water
We return aching.

Marker on the trail
Meant to show the way forward
But pointing backward.

The house of the proud.
Unstable place for living. 
Go live in a hut!

On the proud man's side.
A dangerous place to be
Rather the widow's.

Helen woke me up
Her flight was delayed. What now?
Booked on later flight.

Morning wake up call.
Now I can't go back to sleep.
I guess I'll get up.

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