Once upon a time, I reported directly to a senior VP who himself reported to the CEO. One layer between me and the upper echelons. A few years later, after ups and downs and acquisitions, I am doing basically the same job I've always done, but now there are three layers. Over the years, my chances of ever bumping into the CEO have eroded, much less have the opportunity to meet and discuss serious matters.
When it comes time for me to travel, my paperwork filters up the e-mail chain until it reaches the level appropriate for approval and then the e-mail filters back down to me, where I attach it to my expense report. At each level, there is an "Approved" added. The hierarchy of the business controls the flow of information, the decision making process and the allocation of resources.
Who gets access to God? Do petitions neessarily filter up through the heavenly prayer-chain, with various levels of approval stamped? No! Because of the work of Jesus, there is a direct connection between each believer and God. The author of Hebrews says:
This is the covenant I will make with the house of Israel after that time, declares the Lord. I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people. No longer will a man teach his neighbor, or a man his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' because they will all know me, from the least of them to the greatest. For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more." - Hebrews 8:10-12
This new plan of God's involved a restructuring of our minds and hearts on a community-wide basis (
they will be my people, see also Tit. 2:14b)
. That process involves a direct link between God and each individual by the pathway forged by Jesus (see Heb. 8:1)--the conduit for two things: the
laws of God and the
relationship with God. Sometimes when the Bible talks about "knowledge of God" or "knowing God" we picture a long resume, full of job description, past accomplishments, and character references. But knowing God is actually the ever-deepening relationship.with him. The Bible is his resume.
Critical to this new plan of God's is the "flattening" of the spiritual hierarchy. There is no rank or privilege, no social or economic divide, no Ph.D. or trade school, famous or unknown. These are simply not categories which have any significance when it comes to knowing God. Why? Because whoever we are in these categories, we sin. We all need forgiveness. We all need Jesus. Without Jesus, the knowledge of God and the relationship with God are barred from us by the law.
What I wonder is: if that law is in my heart and mind, do I listen? Is there enough cultivation of what God has already placed there so that it works its way to fruition in my life? Do I ignore the relationship Jesus so graciously restored?
Father, clear my muddled thoughts. Draw out what you have written deep within your servant's heart. Speak. I want to hear and reply.