Moe is a horse puppet.
Joe and Jim are twin iguana puppets.
AWANA, WEEK 4: Acts 3:1-10
MOE: So, Tim, What do you have for me?
TIM: Nothing.
MOE: Really? No, c’mon, you have to have something to eat, I’m hungry.
MOE: Hmm…ok, no food. But, the cell phone does look promising. When are you going to get me a cell phone?
TIM: Cell phone? You don’t even make enough money to pay for your cookies and hay and you are talking about cell phones.
MOE: Sure, and then there’s the BMW and the PS3 and this mailbox is starting to look a little old and…
TIM: Whoa! Hold on there. What do you think? Am I made out of money?
MOE: You seem pretty rich to me.
TIM: Well, I don’t have a lot, but what I do have, I will give it to you
MOE: Whoo hoo! Nutter Butter, my favorite.
JOE: Hi, TIM, Hi, MOE. Hey, what’s all the noise about.
JIM: Yeah, did you just win a prize or something on the radio.
MOE: Umm…
TIM: Why were you hiding them?
JOE/JIM: Yeah, why are you hiding them from your buddies?
MOE: Well, there are only a few cookies in here. And if JOE and JIM saw them, well, they like cookies too, and then there wouldn’t be very many for me.
TIM: You know, MOE, this isn’t a limited cookie universe.
BRAHMS: Yeah, its just like God’s blessings to us. This isn’t a limited blessing universe. When you take what you have and share it, then there’s more room for God to bless you.
TIM: Just like in the first church. The Bible says that Peter and John were headed up to the temple to go and pray. As they went, there was a man there who had never been able to walk ever since he was a baby.
BRAHMS: Oh, I remember this one. He couldn’t walk and his friends put him down near the temple so that he could ask for money, because he was really poor.
TIM: People often tried to help the poor by throwing them coins, silver or gold. So this man was asking them for money. But Peter and John didn’t have any money. But they still had one thing.
MOE: What did they have?
TIM: Peter said to the man: “Look at us!”
BRAHMS: Then the Bible says, Acts chapter 3, verse6 , “ Silver and gold I do not have but what I have I give you. In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, walk. Taking him by the right hand, he helped him up and instantly the man’s feet and ankles became strong”
JOE/JIM: Wow! That guy must have been really happy.
TIM: He was. He started jumping up and down. He started shouting. He started praising God. People were wondering what was going on.
BRAHMS: You know, MOE, we don’t always have cookies. And we don’t always have money. But one thing we can always give away is the hope we have because of Jesus.
MOE: What do you mean?
BRAHMS: We all want to go to heaven. We would like our friends and family to go to heaven. But they can’t get there by themselves, because God only lets perfect people into heaven.
TIM: And it’s impossible, because none of us is perfect. But we tell them about Jesus. The Bible says, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord.” God wants to give that gift, and when you tell your friends about him, you are helping to give that gift.
MOE: So do I still have to share my cookies?
TIM: Any blessing should be shared.
MOE: Ok. Here you go.
JOE/JIM: Yeah.
TIM: Now here’s how people tell people about Jesus, around the world.